5–9 Jul 2016
<a href=http://www.sfpalace.com/>Palace Hotel San Francisco</a>
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Ferrimagnetic Material Testbed for Coaxial Nonlinear Transmission Lines

8 Jul 2016, 11:15
Gold Ballroom (Palace Hotel San Francisco)

Gold Ballroom

Palace Hotel San Francisco

Oral Presentation High Power Microwaves Oral 10


Charlie Anderson (Scientific Applications and Research Associates, Inc.)


Ferrimagnetic-based nonlinear transmission lines (NLTLs) are actively researched as potential compact, phaseable sources of high power microwaves for various applications. The performance of the nonlinear microwave conversion process in gyromagnetic NLTLs is heavily dependent upon the properties of the ferrimagnetic materials and line geometries. A test bed for NLTL development has been constructed to support ferrimagnetic material and line geometry evaluation. The test bed has been designed to support rigorous testing sequences of each material to determine optimal operating efficiencies and power handling capabilities for incorporation into NLTL-based systems. The test bed is driven by a parallel plate Blumlein generator capable of 15ns pulse width, 100kV amplitude, and tuneable risetimes from 1 to 20 ns. Evaluation of pressurized gasses, oil, and solid dielectrics for high voltage line insulation has been conducted. Additionally, several custom electrical diagnostics have been developed to support the high voltage (>60 kV) and high frequency (100 MHz – 6 GHz) requirements. This presentation will discuss the test bed topology, custom diagnostic construction and evaluation, and preliminary results.

Primary author

Charlie Anderson (Scientific Applications and Research Associates, Inc.)


Dr Cameron Hettler (Scientific Applications and Research Associates, Inc.) Dr Jonathan Parson (Scientific Applications and Research Associates, Inc.)

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