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5–9 Jul 2016
<a href=>Palace Hotel San Francisco</a>
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Introduction to non-magnetically confined fusion plasma torch-device.

8 Jul 2016, 13:30
1h 30m
Twin Peaks (Palace Hotel San Francisco)

Twin Peaks

Palace Hotel San Francisco

Poster Presentation Plasmas, Discharges, and Electromagnetic Phenomena Poster 3-A


Dr Boris Gutman (State University of New York, Nassau Community College)Mr Giovanni Villanova (Student, State University of New York, Nassau Community College)Mr Nicholas Belluccia (Student, State University of New York, Nassau Community College)


The plasma generators consists of a circular orifice anode and an inner cathode enclosed in a chamber and positioned in line with the nozzle. The otherwise closed chamber has a vortex-stabilizing gas inlet, and gates in the region of arc column and is heated and accelerated. By adjusting the flow of gas, one can force the arc column to contract anode-bore, outside of the chamber, flame-like phenomena of high enthalpy, high temperature and high velocity appear. My US Patent [1] has been described the fundamentals of non magnetically confinement of the self-set DC Arc Plasma Torch with the vortex’s Arc stabilization. This Patent is based on results of my personal research of this phenomenon, in a frame of my life span project of pulse modulation Plasma in DC Arc generators. Method of location of an arc plasma torch in the center of arc channel by superposition the pulses of frequency modulation νm onto plasma arc could sustain thermo nuclear synthesis in the center of plasma arc channel without being confined by magnetic fields. 1)"Thermal nucleus fusion torch method",US Patent # 8,436,271, filing data is 04/14/2010, Patent issue is May 7,2013

Primary author

Dr Boris Gutman (State University of New York, Nassau Community College)


Mr Giovanni Villanova (Student, State University of New York, Nassau Community College) Mr Nicholas Belluccia (Student, State University of New York, Nassau Community College)

Presentation materials

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