25–29 May 2009
Umeå University
Europe/Zurich timezone

Tools and techniques for managing virtual machine images

27 May 2009, 14:30
Big Auditorium (kb3b1), KBC building (Umeå University)

Big Auditorium (kb3b1), KBC building

Umeå University

KBC Umeå Universitet Umeå, Sweden
Virtualisation Virtualisation I


Mr Andreas Unterkircher (CERN)


Virtual machines can have many different deployment scenarios and therefore may require generation of multiple VM images. We report on work that has been done in a collaboration between CERN's Grid Deployment group and openlab to address several issues with image generation. Libsfimage is a standalone application which generates VM images with a rich selection of Linux distribution. OSFarm provides a user interface to libfsimage. In order to optimize generation of images, a layered copy-on-write image structure is used and an image cache ensures that identical images are not regenerated. For distributing images, content-based transfer has been investigated.


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