Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

25–29 May 2009
Umeå University
Europe/Zurich timezone

New HPSS architecture at SLAC

27 May 2009, 11:30
Big Auditorium (kb3b1), KBC building (Umeå University)

Big Auditorium (kb3b1), KBC building

Umeå University

KBC Umeå Universitet Umeå, Sweden


Alf Wachsmann (SLAC)


SLAC's HPSS hardware and software is reaching its end of support by 2010. We hae purchased two Sun SL8500 robots to replace our 6 Powderhorns and we are in the process of migrating from HPSS version 5.1 to version 6.2. In the same project, we are changing our HPSS architecture to now include disk caches. I will outline the entire project, the new hardware and software architecture, and the current status.

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