25–29 May 2009
Umeå University
Europe/Zurich timezone

Fermi Linux STS - SL 6

25 May 2009, 10:30
Big Auditorium (kb3b1), KBC building (Umeå University)

Big Auditorium (kb3b1), KBC building

Umeå University

KBC Umeå Universitet Umeå, Sweden
Operating Systems & Applications Operating Systems & Applications


Mr Troy Dawson (FERMILAB)


Fermi Linux Short Term Support This project helped fix a problem at Fermilab for bleeding edge hardware. It also helped the Scientific Linux development team look at what might be possible with Scientific Linux 6. This presentation will show what we were able to do with Fermi Linux STS, and give some insight into what might be coming with Scientific Linux 6.


Mr Troy Dawson (FERMILAB)

Presentation materials