Troy Dawson
25/05/2009, 10:30
Operating Systems & Applications
Fermi Linux Short Term Support
This project helped fix a problem at Fermilab for bleeding edge hardware.
It also helped the Scientific Linux development team look at what might be possible with Scientific Linux 6.
This presentation will show what we were able to do with Fermi Linux STS, and give some insight into what might be coming with Scientific Linux 6.
Thomas Bellman
(National Supercomputer Centre, Sweden)
25/05/2009, 11:00
Operating Systems & Applications
As a way of automating and structuring the administration of our clusters, we have started using Puppet, which is a system for configuring and administering Unix machines, similar to Cfengine. We here present our experiences, and show some of Puppet's strengths and weaknesses.
Wolfgang Friebel
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
25/05/2009, 11:30
Operating Systems & Applications
DESY recently planned to migrate some of its UNIX based IMAP servers to dovecot. The latest releases of dovecot (version 1.2) include support for several mailbox fomats, quota handling, compressed folders, ACLs and allows for a comfortable configuration of namespaces. The additional sieve component and the managesieve protocol does enable users to configure server side filtering and managing...