Troy Dawson
28/05/2009, 15:30
Operating Systems & Applications
Progress of Scientific Linux over the past 6 months. What we are currently working on. What we see in the future for Scientific Linux.
Also we will have a Plenary discussion to get feedback to and input for the Scientific Linux developers from the HEPiX community. This may influence upcoming decisions e.g. on distribution lifecycles, and packages added to the distribution.
Klaus Steinberger
(LMU München)
28/05/2009, 16:00
Operating Systems & Applications
At the LMU München, Faculty of Physics we currently deploy a storage and server cluster, which should serve home directorys and other services to the whole faculty. The cluster member servers run from shared storage using Open Sharedroot as a single system image.
Mattias Ellert
(Uppsala Universitet & NDGF)
28/05/2009, 16:30
Operating Systems & Applications
High energy physics experiments today utilise computing grids to access computing resources in order to fulfil their needs for processing power and storage of their ever increasing datasets. However, grid middleware so far has not been part of the mainstream Linux distributions used by resource providers and users. The installation and maintenance of the grid middleware therefore imposes...
Pär Andersson
(NSC, Linköpings universitet)
28/05/2009, 17:00
Operating Systems & Applications
We have been using SLURM on new clusters since 2007. I will give an
introduction to SLURM and our experiences with it. Features in the
upcoming 1.4 release will be discussed, and also how SLURM can be used
with grid software.