Mario David
(LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentaco e Fisica Experimental de Particulas)
25/05/2009, 13:00
Site reports
The Portuguese LCG federated Tier-2 supports the ATLAS and CMS experiments and is
composed of three sites. Two of these sites (Lisbon and Coimbra) are already in production
and the third one is currently being setup (LNEC/FCCN).
We will describe briefly the Tier2 and then concentrate on the Storage Element component.
In the middle of 2008, it was decided to use the Storm SRM with SUN's...
Helge Meinhard
25/05/2009, 13:20
Site reports
Summary of changes at CERN since the last meeting
Marc Gasser
25/05/2009, 13:40
Site reports
Scientific Linux 5
Configuration Management with Puppet
New Spam Filter
Mattias Wadenstein
25/05/2009, 14:00
Site reports
Recent development and news from the NDGF sphere.