Accelerators Revealing the QCD Secrets
Accelerators Revealing the QCD Secrets
From 3rd to 5th September 2016
The focus of the XII Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conference is to discuss the progress, current status and open challenges of QCD-driven physics. The conference includes extensive discussion on future directions in the field, highlighting the most important open problems and challenges, as well as the most interesting avenues for further research.
A broad range of experimental results are presently coming from several accelerator-based facilities employing hadron or electron beams world-wide. New facilities are planned to come into operation in the coming years, which are expected to deliver data with high statistical precision. These facilities include both collider and fixed-target configurations, and for which the physics opportunities and goals differ at each facility, thus offering a complementarity that can be exploited. Starting from today’s accelerators that provide powerful experimental tools for particle and nuclear physics, this workshop will discuss requirements of future accelerators for further research in QCD physics.
The workshop will be preceded by the XII Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conference and will take place from 3rd to 5th September 2016.