Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

2–6 Feb 2009
Europe/Zurich timezone
DISCLAIMER “The Chamonix workshop was an open exchange of views and opinions. All the presentations made at the workshop are available here. The views expressed in individual presentations do not necessarily represent those of the CERN management.”

Beam Interlocks

5 Feb 2009, 18:10
Le Majestic (Chamonix)

Le Majestic



Jorg Wenninger


A large fraction of the MPS was commissioned in 2008 in view of the first LHC run, and first attempts to automate test sequences were implemented. This presentation will present the commissioning plans for the MPS system in 2009 based on the 2008 experience. A possible planning of the tests will be presented, including time estimates, scheduling issues and compatibility with HWC. Controls requirements will be outlined. MPS tests with beam will be discussed.

Presentation materials