Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

2–6 Feb 2009
Europe/Zurich timezone
DISCLAIMER “The Chamonix workshop was an open exchange of views and opinions. All the presentations made at the workshop are available here. The views expressed in individual presentations do not necessarily represent those of the CERN management.”

Where are we with the current shutdown?

4 Feb 2009, 08:30
Le Majestic (Chamonix)

Le Majestic



Julie Coupard Katy Foraz


The first shutdown of the LHC machine started on the 17th of November 2008. In addition to typical shut-down interventions and the works already foreseen (e.g. phase 1 collimator installation), some additional consolidation work is needed. On top of this comes the work caused by the 19 September incident and the subsequent tests carried out in November and December. This talk will give an overview of the activities currently planned and the key drivers for overall length of the shutdown, highlighting the critical points.

Primary author

Julie Coupard

Presentation materials