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The XII Torino workshop and IV CSFK Astromineralogy workshop

Hotel Benczur (Budapest)

Hotel Benczur


H-1068 Budapest, Benczúr utca 35

Thanks to all for your contribution to a very successful workshop!

The workshop program is now available

click here to download the PDF file

We are very happy to announce that Gergely Hadobás, a cello student from the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music will perform at the workshop reception on Sunday the 31st July.


The XII Torino workshop on asymptotic giant branch stars: evolution, nucleosynthesis, observations, and the impact on cosmochemistry and The IV CSFK Astromineralogy workshop

to be held in Budapest from 31th July to 5th August 2016.

The workshop is dedicated to the memory of Ernst Zinner (1937-2015), who opened the new field of research of stardust in meteorites. For his research work, Prof Zinner received numerous awards including the prestigious Leonard Medal of the Meteoritical Society (1997). Special sessions during the meeting will be dedicated to highlighting his contributions to Astrophysics and Meteoritics and Planetary Science.

The Torino Workshops series started in Torino in 1995 and 11 workshops have been held so far in different parts of the world. The 12th workshop will be held jointly with the biannual CSFK Astromineralogy Workshop IV, which started in Budapest in 2010. Traditionally, the Torino workshops focus on the physics of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and the production of nuclei therein. Many related topics are discussed in depth: nuclear astrophysics, galactic chemical evolution, stellar winds and dust formation, meteoritic stardust, cosmochemistry, and radioactive isotopes. These themes overlap with those of the Astromineralogy meetings, which traditionally cover topics from dust in forming planetary systems, meteorites, next ESA missions and space telescopes. The workshop will bring together astrophysicists, astronomers, nuclear physicists, and cosmochemists to discuss research topics in an interdisciplinary fashion. We want to identify current key scientific questions and methodologies to tackle them by combining different expertise, for example, combining laboratory analysis of cosmic materials and nuclear physics experiments to track the origin of cosmic dust and of nuclei in the Solar System, and interpreting recent observations of the chemical composition of stars using intermediate neutron-capture processes.

We acknowledge support from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), the MTA Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences (CSFK), the MTA-CSFK Konkoly Observatory, the JINA Center for the Evolution of the Elements, the INFN Section of Perugia.




Abstract submission and financial support deadline: 30th April 2016

please follow the link "Submit an abstract" and the instructions given in the link "Financial support"

Registration and hotel booking deadline: 31th May 2016

please follow the link "Registration" and the instructions given in the link "Accommodation"



* Image next to the workshop title: A presolar silicon carbide grain  mounted on a gold foil. Credit: R. Trappitsch, Chicago Center for Cosmochemistry, The University of Chicago

  • Amanda Karakas
  • Anders Thygesen
  • Andrei Shiryaev
  • Andrew Davis
  • Anton Wallner
  • Arturo Manchado
  • Borbála Cseh
  • Brigitte Wopenka
  • Carlo Abate
  • Carlos Abia
  • Carolyn Doherty
  • Christopher Tout
  • Clare Worley
  • David Gobrecht
  • Devika Kamath
  • Eleonóra Hernold
  • Elvijs Matrozis
  • Ertao Li
  • Flavia Dell'Agli
  • George Angelou
  • Ghina Halabi
  • Gina Duggan
  • Giuseppe Tagliente
  • Graham Wagstaff
  • Gyürky György
  • Hans Van Winckel
  • Inma Dominguez
  • Iris Dillmann
  • Jacqueline Den Hartogh
  • Janaina Avila
  • Jinia Sikdar
  • Joachim Goerres
  • John Lattanzio
  • Josef Hron
  • Kuljeet Marhas
  • Kuoang Li
  • Lucas Zinner
  • Lucia Damone
  • Manavi Jadhav
  • Marco Andreoli
  • Maria Lugaro
  • Maurizio Busso
  • Max Zinner
  • Mária Pető
  • Nan Liu
  • Olga Zamora
  • Onno Pols
  • Oscar Straniero
  • Oscar Trippella
  • Paola Marigo
  • Pavel Denisenkov
  • Peter Cottrell
  • Peter Hoppe
  • Pierre Haenecour
  • Richard Stancliffe
  • Robert Izzard
  • Roberto Gallino
  • Rosanna Depalo
  • Ross Church
  • Róbert Szabó
  • Sara Bisterzo
  • Sara Palmerini
  • Shreeya Shetye
  • Simon Campbell
  • Sophie Van Eck
  • Stefan Uttenthaler
  • Szabolcs Mészáros
  • Thomas Lebzelter
  • Trevor Ireland
  • Ulrich Ott
  • Víctor Pérez Mesa
  • Xiaodong Tang
  • Ákos Kereszturi
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