Kick-off meeting of the Horizon2020 Design Study EuPRAXIA
Building 1, Seminar Room 1 (Directorate building)
The Horizon2020 EuPRAXIA project is starting officially on Nov 1st, 2015. The kick-off meeting will bring together the EuPRAXIA core project management and science teams with the following goals:
(1) Review status and open points (if any) in project implementation
(2) Discuss the detailed work programme and organisation for the first year of the project, including the foreseen milestones and deliverables for each WP.
(3) Discussion and planning on committees and meetings:
- Collaboration Board: Representatives and first meeting.
- Yearly meeting: Decide on place and date of first yearly meeting.
- Steering Committee: Membership from CA. Decide on detailed format and dates of meetings of the steering committee.
- Management Support Team: Presentation of setup.
- Scientific Advisory Board: Collect proposals and discuss implementation.
(4) EuPRAXIA design & science event: Discuss our plan to organise this in the first half of 2016 for bringing together the full project team from beneficiaries and associated partners, including the EU financed new hires.
(5) EuPRAXIA on the ESFRI roadmap: Discuss roadmap for meeting the expected submission deadline in Spring 2017.
Agustin Lifschitz
Alban Mosnier
Alberto Martinez de la Ossa
Alexander Wagner
Andrea Mostacci
Andreas Maier
Arnd Ernst Specka
Barbara Marchetti
Bernhard Hidding
Brigitte Cros
Carsten Welsch
Enrica Chiadroni
Florian Grüner
francois mathieu
Giuseppe dattoli
Guoxing Xia
Jens Osterhoff
Jim Clarke
Jorge Vieira
Kristine Jung
Leonida A. Gizzi
Luca Labate
Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie
massimo ferrario
Paul Andreas Walker
Petra Ullmann
Ralph Assmann
Robert Bingham
Robert Thiel
Roman Walczak
Tom Förster
Ulrich Dorda
Ute Krell
Zulfikar Najmudin