Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Activity of the month

1/1-025 (CERN)



Show room on map
    • 08:00 08:20
      Pedro Andrade 20m
      Activities in NA1 (0 days) Activities in SA1 (1 days) - organized MSA1.2 detailed plans Activities in SA3 (0 days) Other activities (0 days) Attended meetings and conferences (5 days) - D4Science TCom in Geneva (1-5 Dec) - D4Science SA1 phone conference () - D4Science SA3 phone conference () - D4Science PEB phone conference () Planned meetings and conferences Holidays (0 days) Effort Accounting Last Update: 8 Dec
    • 08:20 08:40
      Roberta Faggian Marque 20m
      D4Science - organisation and attendance face to face TCom/PEB/PMB CPLO - applied review feedback to CP webpages (several updates) TIMESHEET Total = 4.5 days = 36h D4S = 25.2 hours EGEE = 10.8 hours
    • 08:40 09:40
      Konstantin Skaburskas
      Konstantin Skaburskas December, 2008 Major work for Health-e-Child; major changes in workplan ---------------------------------------------------------------- WP5/T5.2 05% (1-9 M) (13-42 M) - support of HeC GW and site administrators * explained how MyProxy service works WP5/T5.6 70% (13-42 M) - Upgrade of project-level VOMS server to the latest version WP5/T5.7 00% (18-42 M) - WP5/T5.8 00% (18-42 M) - WP5/T5.9 00% (13-42 M) - WP14/T14.1 00% (13-42 M) - WP14/T14.2 25% (13-42 M) - IGG production deployment: * reconfigured GridFTP on DPM to work on local physical sub-net only * updated glite-UI and fixed some problems on HeC GateWay machine WP14/T14.6 00% (18-42 M) - WP14/T14.7 00% (18-42 M) - Major work for "GD-OPS; GD-ITR"; major changes in workplan ---------------------------------------------------------------- - SAM * integration of high-level probes for Nagios to monitor gLite services: - SRM - CE + WN * bug-fixing and new releases of current SAM Client and Sensors * support rota - PPS * administration of WMS at CERN_PPS site Major issues arising -------------------- - It's 9th of Dec, but there is no fixed date still and not yet even clear when NECKER deployment will happen. Major events attended (include links to event/presentation) --------------------- - Telephone conference with WLCG/EGEE OAT partners. Topic - "Probes for ROC level Nagios and integration of Nagios probes developed by SAM". 09 Dec, 2008 Plans to attend/organize major events (intra-EGEE and others) ------------------------------------------------------------- - Holidays during the period ------------------------------------------------------------ * days 0 *TimeSheet for the month *00* ------------------------------------------------------------ WP5/T5.1 --% (1-6 M) DoWI WP5/T5.2 05% (1-9 M) (13-42 M) WP5/T5.3 --% (7-12 M) DoWI WP5/T5.4 --% (10-15 M) DoWI WP5/T5.5 --% (16-18 M) DoWI WP5/T5.6 70% (13-42 M) WP5/T5.7 00% (18-42 M) WP5/T5.8 00% (18-42 M) WP5/T5.9 00% (13-42 M) WP14/T14.1 00% (13-42 M) WP14/T14.2 25% (13-42 M) WP14/T14.3 --% (18-42 M) CERN 0% WP14/T14.4 --% (13-42 M) CERN 0% WP14/T14.5 --% (18-42 M) CERN 0% from DoW-III WP14/T14.6 00% (18-42 M) WP14/T14.7 00% (18-42 M) WP14/T14.8 --% (18-42 M) CERN 0% WP14/T14.9 --% (18-42 M) CERN 0%
    • 09:40 10:00
      Florida Estrella 20m
      EGEE/CPLO * Update contacts addresses, latest file at G:\Departments\IT\Projects\FP7\Projects\EGEE-III\CPLO\CP-DataBase\Contacts\CP-Contacts-Nov2008.xls * Send Aug-Sep-Oct IT/GD/OPS activity summaries to FH, BJ, MB, RF, MS cc FE * Ongoing update of CP database with LC * Ongoing discussion on CERN IT projs master excel * Ongoing review of CP pages for MNA5.2.1 * BG-II MoU version 5 sent for final round of checks; to AMB * produced version 6, sent to AMB for approval BalticGrid-II * Preparation of 2nd quarter (Aug-Sep-Oct08) TSs and ICC G:\Departments\IT\Projects\FP7\Projects\BalticGrid2\ActivityDocuments\Finance\CostClaims\2 sent to Inger 05Dec08 * Participate PMB 03Dec08 * Link BG with EGEE Matlab trial use; EGEE contact is Vangelis * review BG-II demo proposal for the OGF/EGEE UF in Catania, sent to Zodia * produced version 6, sent to PMB for approval GridTalk * Update of TSs for Oct, Nov08 * Oversee TSs and iSGTW report stat with DD Health-e-Child * Update PNB with trips of 2008 * Update PNB with KS, FE timesheets until Nov08 * Preparation for Genoa trip; files at * Ongoing review of project spending 2008; another CERN letter to Siemens needed to clarify prefinancing DOWIII status * Discussion Health-e-Child technical student for 2009 * attended PMT 11Dec08 @ Genoa ; minutes * prepared cost and effort up to 2008, forecast for 2009; sent to Siemens and Lynkeus * input to HeC discussion on project extension, sent to Martin & Edwin SEE-GRID-SCI * Review of SG-SCI-GENESI-DR MoU, comments sent to OP
    • 10:00 10:20
      Karolis Eigelis 20m
      Karolis Eigelis December, 2008 /// BalticGrid II - 20% Activities in SA1 - 10% -2 meetings at EVO (every Tuesday, Time: 12:30 - 14:00) Activities in SA3 - 10% -2 meetings at EVO (every Monday, Time: 11:30 - 13:00) Activities in VGTU - 0% /// IT-GD-OPS - 80% Activities in PPS/SAM -PPS-SAM server updates -MPI test for SAM framework /// Holidays: December 18-19, 2008 / January 5-6, 2009.
    • 10:20 10:40
      Danica Stojiljkovic 20m
      Danica Stojiljkovic
      December, 2008

      Major work for SEE-GRID; major changes in workplan

      • at JRA1 EVO meeting it is decided that I take active role in developing EGEE-SEE/SEE-GRID-SCI helpdesk application
      Major work for GD-OPS; major changes in workplan

      Major issues arising

      Major events attended (include links to event/presentation)

      • IT-GD-OPS Section meetings (weekly)
      • SEE-GRID-SCI JRA1 EVO01 meeting (2008/12/17)
      • WA Lectures
      2008 Dec 1 The GLite patch release procedure Felix Ehm
      28-S-029, 10.30 WA-felix_ehm.pptx

      Plans to attend/organize major events (intra-EGEE and others)

      • PSC03, Bucharest, 15-16 January 2009 
      Holidays during the period

      1 day (2008/11/19)