Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

11–12 Feb 2016
SOLEIL Amphitheatre
Europe/Zurich timezone

LULI with the CILEX community now launches the Apollon laser facility* first users’ meeting, “Apollon FIRE”, which will take place at University Paris Saclay on Feb 11-12 2016, under the auspice of Institut Laser Plasma, as operation of the facility will start by october-2016.

Venue: amphitheatre of SOLEIL Synchrotron

A large number of scientific programs can be developed on this facility: compact particle acceleration, in particular testing new schemes for future generations of high-energy accelerators, but also a wide range of other applications, from the generation of highly energetic radiation that can complement what is produced on the latest generation X-ray light sources, or the production of high-energy-density matter states, allowing e.g. laboratory investigation of extreme astrophysical phenomena.

The aim of this first two days meeting is to extend the access to the facility, beyond the teams of the Plateau de Saclay who launched the initiative and defined its initial work program, to the scientific community at large and gather the wishes of the community in terms of facility configuration and possible experiments. The meeting will be the occasion to present the facility as well as the currently planned capabilities of the two experimental areas to future users.

Attendance will be limited, so please register before January 4th, 2015.

No fees will be asked for registration. Lunches and refreshments will be provided. Limited funding support may be available on request. All information needed for accommodation and travel will be soon available on this indico page. 

Proposals and ideas for experiments and configurations

Interested users are invited to present in a short format (about 10-15 mn) their wishes and ideas for experiments and configurations. If you propose an oral presentation, please fill out the fields: title, short abstract, topic (by using free keywords: e.g. electron acceleration, use of harmonics for WDM probing, etc)

Apollon Facility tour

A facility tour will be organized on Thursday morning and Friday afternoon. If you are interested in visiting the facility, please tick your preferred date.

Organizing Committee

Patrick Audebert (co-chair deputy), Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie, Brigitte Cros, Julien Fuchs, François Mathieu, Pascal Monot (co-chair deputy), Alban Mosnier, Patrick Mora (chair), Arnd Specka, Cédric Thaury

* Apollon* laser facility designed in collaboration between several partners of the Université Paris-Saclay and their industrial partners, on the Plateau de Saclay, South of Paris (France), is expected to reach for the 10 Petawatt level. The facility will include two short-pulse laser beams (F1 at 10 PW nominally, with a first step at 5 PW, and F2 at 1 PW, both at 15 fs duration), a chirped laser pulse (up to 250 J, 1 ns) and a probe beam (up to 100 mJ, 20 fs minimum), all available at a repetition rate of one shot per minute at full power and in a stable manner. Two target areas will be serviced by these laser beams in alternate mode: the LFA, dedicated to long-focal length focusing experiments (6 to 30m for F1), and the SFA, dedicated to short-focal length focusing (1m for F1) and achievement of the highest intensity on target. The facility will be open to users European as well as international users.

SOLEIL Amphitheatre
Orme des Merisiers rond point du Golf de Saint Aubin 91190 Saint Aubin