Joao Miguel Augusto Penedones Fernandes
(Universidade do Porto (PT))
- Speaker at S-matrix from the Conformal Bootstrap
John Donoghue
- Speaker at On the metric theory of gravity
- Ben Freivogel (University of California at Berkeley)
- Leonardo Giusti (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
- Igor Herbut (Simon Fraser University)
Diego Hofman
(Princeton University)
- Speaker at Proof of central charge bounds
Petr Horava
(University of California, Berkeley)
- Speaker at Nonrelativistic Naturalness and the Higgs
- Etsuko Itou (Kyoto University, YITP)
Jared Kaplan
- Speaker at On Information Loss in Two-Dimensional CFT
José Ignacio Latorre
(Universitat Barcelona)
- Speaker at Emergence of Symmetries from Entanglement
Sunk-Sik Lee
- Speaker at Horizon as critical phenomenon
- Stefano Liberati (SISSA)
- Renata Loll
- Juan Maldacena (Unknown)
- Yannick Meurice (University of Iowa)
- Javier Molina-Vilaplana
Román Orús
- Speaker at Overview: from qubits to space-time
- Fernando Patawski
- Jörg Schmiedmayer
Marco Serone
- Speaker at The Effective Bootstrap
Dam Than Son
- Speaker at A Higher-Spin Theory of the Magneto-Rotons
- Julian Sonner (Universite de Geneve (CH))
- Xiao-Gang Wen
- Cent Xu
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