NIKHEF use case
Existing research has shown the benefits of running multi-level schedulers, either for single node parallel computation or multi-node distributed computation. Apache Mesos is a 2-level distributed scheduling system that has been used in organizations such as Twitter, PayPal, and Apple.
In this talk we'll describe the 2-level Mesos architecture in detail. We'll also discuss Mesos features that...
A data federation is a cooperating set of storage resources transparently accessible across a wide area network via a common namespace. These are often implemented through a redirector hierarchy - clients query a centralized endpoint for a given file; this redirector locates an available storage resource, then redirects the client to the remote resource.
Data federations are an...
CernVM-FS is being tested by the System Team of the Science Ground Segment (SGS) within the Euclid Project ( as the primary execution environment and software distribution tool for processing mission data. In particular, CernVM-FS is viewed as a possible solution to the problem of providing a homogenous execution environment across heterogeneous computing resources...