6–8 Jun 2016
Europe/London timezone

Introduction to Mesos and the Datacenter Operating System (DC/OS)

6 Jun 2016, 17:15


Dr Artem Harutyunyan (Mesosphere)


Existing research has shown the benefits of running multi-level schedulers, either for single node parallel computation or multi-node distributed computation. Apache Mesos is a 2-level distributed scheduling system that has been used in organizations such as Twitter, PayPal, and Apple.

In this talk we'll describe the 2-level Mesos architecture in detail. We'll also discuss Mesos features that have been added over the years (or are being added today) driven by practical needs, from weights, to reservations, to quotas, to optimistic allocations, and deallocation. In the second part we will focus on some of the operational characteristics of Mesos, as well as present the open-source Datacenter Operating System that leverages Mesos while providing capabilities such as service discovery, load balancing, privacy and ease of installation.

About the Speaker
Artem Harutyunyan is a Director of Engineering at Mesosphere where he works on Apache Mesos project. Prior to joining Mesosphere he spent several years at Qualys where he led the design and development of a distributed system for storing and analyzing large volumes of data. Prior to Qualys, Artem worked at CERN, first as student in ALICE Offline, and later as a fellow in CernVM group.

Presentation materials