6–8 Jun 2016
Europe/London timezone

CernVM-FS for Docker image distribution in Cloud Foundry

7 Jun 2016, 11:45
Lecture Theatre

Lecture Theatre


George Lestaris (Pivotal)


Cloud foundry is a PaaS that facilitates deployment and scale of web applications. It aims at providing a good user experience while ensuring that deployed application follow the best practices. Additionally, It provides a full set of features that enable debugging and monitoring of production systems. However, Docker is disrupting more traditional PaaS by making containers a prominent term in the cloud terminology. George, who works for Pivotal implementing Cloud Foundry's container runtime, will introduce Docker and Cloud Foundry, and discuss their differences. He will present the Docker image support in Cloud Foundry and eventually, how CernVM-FS could fit in the area of Docker image distribution.

Presentation materials