30 June 2016 to 1 July 2016
Other Institutes
Europe/Zurich timezone

Vision Talk 3 - Imaging for the 20’s and beyond

30 Jun 2016, 13:30
Auditorium & Conference Room (Other Institutes)

Auditorium & Conference Room

Other Institutes

ESADE Business School, Avenida Pedralbes, 60-62, 08034 Barcelona, Spain.


Dr Renato Turchetta (RAL)


Image sensors and detectors are one of the key technologies enabling future applications like smart homes or autonomous driving, all part of the Internet of Things. Whether through Moore’s scaling or ‘more than Moore’, semiconductor technology remains an essential driver for the advancement of imagers and detectors. This talk will review the status and trends of some areas of semiconductor technologies, looking at the expected evolution of key technology parameters, e.g. pixel size, data rate, detection efficiency, …, going towards the horizon of 2025 and beyond. Some wishes and dreams of what we might be able to do with future technologies will be presented.

Presentation materials