12–14 Apr 2016
Château de Bossey (20 km from CERN)
Europe/Zurich timezone


Run 4 systems and R&D

14 Apr 2016, 14:35
Château de Bossey (20 km from CERN)

Château de Bossey (20 km from CERN)


Run 4 systems and R&D

  • Jose Guillermo Panduro Vazquez (Royal Holloway, University of London)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Alberto Di Meglio (CERN), Maria Girone (CERN)
14/04/2016, 14:35
David Rohr (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
14/04/2016, 15:00
Wainer Vandelli (CERN)
14/04/2016, 15:25
Frans Meijers (CERN)
14/04/2016, 15:50
Building timetable...