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18–22 May 2009
Sitges (Barcelona) Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

Search for anti-neutrino charged current coherent pion production at SciBooNE

22 May 2009, 12:20
Sitges (Barcelona) Spain

Sitges (Barcelona) Spain

Palau Maricel Sitges (Barcelona) Spain
Talk Single pion production Single pion production III


Dr Hidekazu TANAKA (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


The precise measurement of neutrino-nucleus cross-sections in the few GeV energy range is an essential ingredient in the interpretation of neutrino oscillation experiments. SciBooNE is ~1 GeV muon neutrino scattering experiment based at Fermilab, USA, that ran from June 2007 until August 2008 in both neutrino and anti-neutrino mode. We will present a search for charged current coherent pion production in SciBooNE's collected anti-neutrino data.

Primary author

Dr Hidekazu TANAKA (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials