18–22 May 2009
Sitges (Barcelona) Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

MicroBooNE: A New Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Experiment

20 May 2009, 12:15
Sitges (Barcelona) Spain

Sitges (Barcelona) Spain

Palau Maricel Sitges (Barcelona) Spain
Talk Current and future neutrino experiments Current and future neutrino experiments I


Dr Mitchell Soderberg (Yale University)


Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr TPC) detectors are well suited to study neutrino interactions, and are an intriguing option for future massive detectors capable of measuring the parameters that characterize neutrino oscillations. These detectors combine fine-grained tracking with calorimetry, allowing for excellent imaging and particle identification ability. In this talk the details of the MicroBooNE experiment, a 175 ton LAr TPC which will be exposed to Fermilab's Booster neutrino beamline starting in 2011, will be presented. The ability of MicroBooNE to differentiate electrons from photons gives the experiment unique capabilities in low energy neutrino interaction measurements.

Primary author

Dr Mitchell Soderberg (Yale University)

Presentation materials