Michael Kuntzsch
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
The ELBE center for high power radiation sources is operating a superconducting RF accelerator in CW mode. Since 2012 solid state amplifiers are used to drive the accelerating structures at ELBE. New experiments which are in preparation need a better temporal resolution and therefore a higher beam stability. Since 2013 a test series has been performed to evaluate a MicroTCA.4-based digital LLRF (low level RF) system foreseen to replace the analogue controllers. The contribution gives an overview of the setup, reports first performance results and discusses challenges and experience gained during commissioning.
Primary author
Michael Kuntzsch
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Christian Schmidt
Hartmut Büttig
(Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Igor Rutkowski
(Warsaw University of Technology, ISE)
Maciej Grzegrzółka
(Warsaw University of Technology, ISE)
Martin Hierholzer
Matthias Hoffmann
Radosław Rybaniec
(Warsaw University of Technology, ISE)
Rico Schurig