20–24 Jun 2016
Hôtel Mercure Président, Grenoble, France
Europe/Zurich timezone

HPRF 162.5MHz SSPA(5 kW) Power Test using parallel Plate Gysel Combiner

21 Jun 2016, 12:50
Hôtel Mercure Président, Grenoble, France

Hôtel Mercure Président, Grenoble, France

Grenoble, France


Jae Eun Han (Institute for Basic Science) Oh Ryong Choi (Institute for Basic Science)


In rare isotope accelerator facilities, the 162.5MHz high power RF combiner is used to combine many RF power modules.
Recentry HPRF combiner has developed to combine high power RF source up to 10 kW for Rare Isotope Science Project(RISP)
162.5 MHz RF power test to the high power combiner has been performed 5 kW before the full power operation


Oh Ryong Choi (Institute for Basic Science)


IN-IL JUNG (Rare Isotope Science Project/Institute for Basic Science) Jae Eun Han (Institute for Basic Science) Ki taek Son (Institute for Basic Science)

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