L-3 Communications Electron Devices is developing a 1.2 MW Multi-Beam Inductive Output Tube (MBIOT) for the European Spallation Source. Construction of the MBIOT has been completed, an in-house test facility is operational, and factory testing is in process. In this talk, the MBIOT design and supporting simulation work will be summarized, as will important aspects of the fabrication process and test configuration. MBIOT performance data will also be presented.
L-3 Communications Electron Devices is developing a 1.2 MW Multi-Beam Inductive Output Tube (MBIOT) for the European Spallation Source. Construction of the MBIOT has been completed, an in-house test facility is operational, and factory testing is in process. In this talk, the MBIOT design and supporting simulation work will be summarized, as will important aspects of the fabrication process and test configuration. MBIOT performance data will also be presented.