Klystrons: Klystrons
- Richard Nelson (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) recently completed major upgrades to its RF systems. The focus of the project was to return LANSCE to its historical operating capability and sustain facility operations for the next several decades. The LANSCE accelerator provides pulsed protons and spallation neutrons for defense and civilian applications. This project involved replacing all the...
The talk will give an overview of the ESS RF system, with focus of the medium beta part of the linac. This section will contain 36 superconducting cavities, each foreseen to be supplied by a single klystron, able to provide 1.5 MW peak output power at 704.42 MHz. ESS is currently procuring three medium beta klystron prototypes: The main design features will be presented in the talk, together...
Even though the klystron concept is more than 50 years old, recent innovative ideas concerning the bunching mechanism promise a significant increase of electronic efficiency and indicate the possibility to reach 90%. These ideas include "bunch core oscillations", "concregated bunches" and the BAC method (for "bunch - align - collect"). We will present the status of this work including the...