Solid state amplifiers 1: Solid state amplifiers 1
- Doug Horan (Argonne National Laboratory)
In the SOLEIL storage ring, two cryomodules provide to the electron beam an accelerating voltage of 3-4 MV and a power of 575 kW at 352 MHz. Each cryomodule contains a pair of “HOM free” superconducting cavities, cooled with liquid Helium at 4.5 K, which is supplied by a single 350 W cryogenic plant. The RF power is provided by four solid state amplifiers (SSA), each delivering up to 180 kW....
The Paul Scherrer Institut currently operates a klystron amplifier on the booster ring of the Swiss Light Source (SLS). In order to have an optional RF source for the booster cavity, we have been developing a compact 500MHz – 65 kW solid state RF amplifier. An important goal in this development is the optimization of efficiency at any given operating point. With this technique it is possible...
A second X-ray free electron laser facility, LCLS-II, is being constructed at SLAC. LCLS-II is based on a 1.3 GHz, 4 GeV, continuous-wave (CW) superconducting linear accelerator, to be installed in the first kilometer of the SLAC tunnel. Multiple types of high power RF (HPRF) sources will be used to power different systems. The main 1.3 GHz linac will be powered by 280 1.3 GHz, 3.8 kW solid...