Status and projects 1: Status and projects 1
- James Rose (Brookhaven)
ALBA is a 3 GeV, 400 mA, 3rd generation Synchrotron Light Source in Barcelona, Spain. The RF System provides up to 3.6 MV of accelerating voltage and restore up to 540 kW of power to the electron beam. For that, six RF plants, working at 500 MHz are in operation. A RF plant includes a Dampy cavity (HOM damped) which is feed by two 80 kW IOT amplifiers combined via CaCo; a cavity combiner. This...
Elettra is a user dedicated third generation light source operating at 2.0 GeV ( 310 mA) and 2.4 GeV (160 mA). The performances and the operating features of the 500 MHz storage ring RF stations and the single RF booster plant are presented. The revamp plan of the RF power sources that takes into account the requirement for the Elettra II project is presented. The first step of this plan is...
A hybrid seven-bend achromat lattice is designed for the APS-U multi-bend achromat (MBA) which will require a bunch-lengthening cavity to mitigate the effects of Touschek scattering on the beam lifetime. Accommodating MBA lattice in the existing APS storage ring tunnel will require reconfiguration of the present storage ring rf system. We will describe various potential RF system configurations.
Since April 2012, the ESRF booster synchrotron is powered with four 150 kW - 352.2 MHz solid state amplifiers (SSA). In 2013 another three 150 kW SSAs were taken into operation on the 6 GeV storage ring, powering new strongly HOM damped cavities, which are run in parallel with the existing five-cell cavities fed from 1.1 MW klystron transmitters. Operation experience and RF system developments...