Tetrodes and miscellanea
- Eric Montesinos (CERN)
Various High power RF cavities are utilized within the C-AD complex, including ferrite loaded, pillbox, folded transmission line, and tapped transmission line. High power amplifiers range from solid state solutions to vacuum electron devices, at power ranges of 1 kW to 5 MW pulsed. The RF frequency spectrum of systems varies drastically, from 300 kHz to 201 MHz for operational systems, and up...
In the High Intensity Proton Accelerator (HIPA) facility at PSI, protons are accelerated in the injector cyclotron to 72MeV and afterwards in the Ring cyclotron to 590 MeV. The routine operation of the facility is at a current of 2.2 mA with tests regularly up to 2.4 mA. In both separated sector cyclotrons, the main acceleration is done by 50 MHz cavities. For flat-topping, an additional 3rd...
With the ageing of equipment in user facilities, the risk of downtime due to hardware malfunctions becomes a more likely scenario. At the Australian Synchrotron, two klystrons running at 15 MW each are required for injection into the booster ring. Consequently, failure of a single klystron could lead to the loss of weeks of beam time. A forthcoming upgrade to the current system includes a SLED...
The counter-rotating proton beams in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are captured and then accelerated to their final energies by two identical 400 MHz RF systems. The RF power source required for each beam comprises eight 300 kW klystrons powered by two 100 kV, 40 Amp, AC/DC power converters. The klystron currents (and DC power) can be individually controlled by means of a klystron modulator....