T3-7 Applied Physics in Non-Academic Environment (DIAP-DIMP) / La physique hors université (DPIA-DPIM)
- Robert Fedosejevs (University of Alberta)
Martin Bolduc
(INO, Québec), Dr
Pierre Galarneau
(INO, Québec)
14/06/2016, 16:15
Industrial and Applied Physics / Physique industrielle et appliquée (DIAP-DPIA)
Invited Speaker / Conférencier invité
INO is an innovation house, it is home to the largest concentration of skill in the applied optics/photonics field and serves clients of all sizes from all parts of Canada and around the world. INO offers a complete range of integrated services to clients of all descriptions in every field of industrial activity. It also possesses a variety of technologies and innovative processes based on a...
Christian Moreau
(Université Concordia)
14/06/2016, 16:45
Industrial and Applied Physics / Physique industrielle et appliquée (DIAP-DPIA)
Invited Speaker / Conférencier invité
The strong basic training of physicists allows them to grasp important scientific and technological issues encountered in materials engineering. Physicists have an understanding of the fundamental mechanisms that govern the behavior and properties of materials while processing and using them in various applications. This understanding enables them to contribute effectively in multidisciplinary...
Craig Haley
(Honeywell Aerospace)
14/06/2016, 17:15
Oral (Non-Student) / orale (non-étudiant)
C. Haley1, D. Degenstein2, R. Cooney3, and A. Bourassa2
1 Honeywell Aerospace
2 University of Saskatchewan
3 Canadian Space Agency
The Canadian Atmospheric Tomography System (CATS) is a UV/visible/near-IR spectrometer designed to measure limb-scattered sunlight to derive vertically-resolved concentrations of O3, NO2, and BrO and aerosol extinction from the Upper Troposphere through the...