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17–19 Jun 2009
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Efficacy and benefits of web services for metadata acquisition: an overview based on Swiss institutional repositories

Not scheduled
University of Geneva

University of Geneva


Mrs Isabelle de Kaenel (Medical Library, University Hospital - Lausanne)Mr Pablo Iriarte (Medical Library, University Hospital - Lausanne)


In Switzerland, institutional repositories (IRs) have largely spread in academic and research organisations, where they provide services to faculty, researchers, and administrators by bringing together and archiving the intellectual output of their institutions. In many ways, the Swiss IRs are heterogeneous : some are precursors (« Infoscience » at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne), others are latecomers (« Serval » at the University of Lausanne or « Archive Ouverte » UNIGE at the University of Geneva), they are on different platforms (CDS Invenio, Fedora), have different growth policies. However, they all share a common goal : to implement efficient tools to assist the submission process and ensure a high level of metadata quality. Administrators and developers of different institutions are now teaming up to thoroughly investigate the use of web services to enhance metadata creation through transfers from authoritative sources : external bibliographic databases, catalogs, controlled lists and repertories. Web services provide a standard means of interoperating between different software applications over the networks. With the use of web services, repositories can evolve to operate in an extended environment by communicating with any third-party provider in order, for example, to search and retrieve metadata in a machine-processable format like XML. The poster will review the main providers offering web services for metadata population : · Bibliographic databases for articles : Pubmed, Web of Science, Scopus, Crossref · Catalogs for book records : RERO, Library of Congress, Worldcat, National Library of Medicine · Repertories for identifiers : doi, issn, isbn and authors unique ids The poster will also give an overview of the implementation of the above services in a selection of Swiss IRs and analyse how they can be combined in order to excute value-added operations in order to : · improve the usability of metadata entry tools. · assist the process of capturing content from external sources · build automated workflows

Primary authors

Mrs Isabelle de Kaenel (Medical Library, University Hospital - Lausanne) Mr Pablo Iriarte (Medical Library, University Hospital - Lausanne)

Presentation materials

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