CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI6)

University of Geneva

University of Geneva

The next CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI6), will be held at the University of Geneva on 17th-19th June 2009.

The workshop will follow the successful format of previous workshops mixing practical tutorials, presentations from cutting-edge projects and research, discussion groups, posters, and an intense social programme to maximise interaction and communication. It will be possible to register for a part or all of the programme.

The workshop is aimed at those involved in the development of openaccess (OA) repositories and who can influence the direction of developments either within their institution, their country or at an international level - that includes technical developers of OA bibliographic databases and connected services, research information policy developers at university or library level, funding bodies concerned with access to the results of their research, OA publishers,and influential researchers keen to lead OA developments in their own field.

Previous workshops have built a strong community spirit and the event is a unique opportunity to exchange ideas and contact details with the wide range of people connected to the OA movement. The OAI series of workshops is one of the biggest international meetings in this field and takes place roughly every two years.

  • Adam Dudczak
  • Adrian Price
  • Adrian Stevenson
  • Agnieszka Lewandowska
  • Alain Borel
  • Alain Monteil
  • Alessio Esposito
  • Alex Wade
  • Alexander Lerchl
  • Alexander Macfie
  • Alicia Lopez
  • Aljoso NIKL
  • Alma Swan
  • Amรฉlie Vallotton
  • Andras Holl
  • Andreas K. Andreou
  • Andreas Rauber
  • Anja Oberlaender
  • Anne Gentil-Beccot
  • Anne Sandfaer
  • Anne-Christine ROBERT
  • Annette Holtkamp
  • Antonella De Robbio
  • Antonio Juan Prieto Jimenez
  • Archana Oates
  • Arnoud Jippes
  • Axel Kaschte
  • Bas Savenije
  • Benoit Pauwels
  • Bertil Dorch
  • Bill Hubbard
  • Birgit Schmidt
  • Birgitte Soenderkaer
  • Bjรถrn Mittelsdorf
  • Bram Luyten
  • Carole Bessero
  • Christian Fuhrer
  • Christian Zimmermann
  • Christine Wehrli
  • Cinzia MESCOLINI
  • Claire Bundy
  • Claude Borgeaud
  • Claus Vesterager Pedersen
  • Constantinescu Nicolaie
  • Cristiane de Oliveira
  • Cristina Lopez Perez
  • Daisy McADAM
  • Dale Peters
  • Daniel Metje
  • David Groenewegen
  • David HOOLE
  • David Prosser
  • Dennis Vierkant
  • Dimitri Donze
  • Dominic Tate
  • Doris Jedamski
  • Edwin Shin
  • Elena Giglia
  • Elisabetta Poltronieri
  • Enrico Natale
  • Etienne Posthumus
  • Evelyn Valarino
  • Foudil BRETEL
  • Francine DREIER
  • Frank Scholze
  • Friederike Kleinfercher
  • Friedrich Summann
  • Geidy Lung
  • Gerard van Westrienen
  • Gernot Deinzer
  • Gianmaria Silvello
  • Gintare Tautkeviciene
  • Graham Triggs
  • Greg Zick
  • Heather Morrison
  • Helge Steenweg
  • Henk Ellermann
  • Henning Weiler
  • Herbert Van de Sompel
  • Hubert Krekels
  • Hugh Look
  • Imma Subirats
  • Inge Van Nieuwerburgh
  • Iryna Kuchma
  • Isabelle de Kaenel
  • Jacques HELLEMANS
  • James Pringle
  • Jan Corthouts
  • Jan Krause
  • Jan Melichar
  • Jane Smith
  • Jasper Op de Coul
  • Jean-Blaise Claivaz
  • Jean-Yves Le Meur
  • Jeannette Frey
  • Jenni Hyppola
  • Jens Vigen
  • Jerome Caffaro
  • Jim Pitman
  • Joanne Yeomans
  • Johan Bollen
  • John Houghton
  • Jonas Gilbert
  • Jordi Serrano Munoz
  • Jose Benito Gonzalez Lopez
  • Joshua Brown
  • Julien Sicot
  • Just De Leeuwe
  • Karim CHEVRE
  • Katrin GroรŸe
  • Khadidja Marchon
  • Kristine CLARA
  • Laurence FARHI
  • Laurents Sesink
  • Lee Dirks
  • Leslie Carr
  • Lieven Droogmans
  • Liliane Regamey
  • Lionel Walter
  • Liselotte Nielsen
  • Lorraine Filippozzi
  • Lotte Faurbaek
  • Luis Zorita
  • Maarten Hoogerwerf
  • Maarten van Bentum
  • Manuela Wagner
  • Marcel Simoneau
  • Maria Luisa PEREZ ALIENDE
  • Maria Teresa MICONI
  • Marianne Krahn
  • Marie-Laure Berchel
  • Marion Prudlo
  • Marjan Vernooy-Gerritsen
  • Marjatta Hauska
  • Martin Moyle
  • Martin Slabbertje
  • Martin van Luijt
  • Mary Robinson
  • Marylene Goulet
  • Marylรจne Micheloud
  • Marรญa รngeles Coslado Bernabe
  • Maude Frances
  • Melissa Hagemann
  • Michael Guthrie
  • Michiel Kolman
  • Miguel Moreira
  • Mikael K. Elbaek
  • Mogens Sandaer
  • Monica Hammes
  • Morag Greig
  • Morag Watson
  • Natalia Manola
  • Neil Jacobs
  • Nelly Mainy
  • Nenad Milosevic
  • Nicola Wright
  • Pablo de Castro
  • Pablo Iriarte
  • Paola Castellucci
  • Paolo Budroni
  • Paolo Manghi
  • Patrick Danowski
  • Paul Ayris
  • Paul Davey
  • Peter Burnhill
  • Peter Millington
  • Peter Ruijgrok
  • Peter van der Togt
  • Peter van Huisstede
  • Peter Verhaar
  • Petros Artemi
  • Philip Vaughan
  • Philipp Hess
  • Philipp Ischer
  • Pierre-Yves Burgi
  • Raf Dekeyser
  • Regula Sebastiao
  • Remedios Melero
  • Renato Scariati
  • Ricardo Saraiva
  • Rita Voigt
  • Robert Sanderson
  • Roberta Cuel
  • Robin Green
  • Rosa Di Cesare
  • Rosa Nappo
  • Salvatore Mele
  • Samuele Kaplun
  • Sandra Levai
  • Saskia Franken
  • Saskia Woutersen-Windhouwer
  • Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche
  • Sergey Parinov
  • Simone Schipp von Branitz Nielsen
  • Sophia Ananiadou
  • Sophia Jones
  • Stefano Bianco
  • Stefka Kaloyanova
  • Stian Hรฅklev
  • Susanne Benitz
  • Susanne Schaefer
  • Sven KUCK
  • Thomas Krichel
  • Tim Di Lauro
  • Timo Borst
  • Tom Cochrane
  • Toni Espadas-Castillo
  • Travis Brooks
  • Tullio Basaglia
  • Ulrich Herb
  • Ulrich Poeschl
  • Vanessa Proudman
  • Veera Ristikartano
  • Veronique Hadengue-Dezael
  • Wilko Steinhoff
  • William Nixon
  • Wilma Mossink
  • Wolfram Horstmann
  • Wolfram Seidler
  • Wouter Heyse
  • Wouter Schallier
  • Wouter Spek
  • Yann Ael Le Borgne
    • 08:00 09:00
      Registration Desk opens at 8:00
    • 09:00 11:30
      Tutorial 1. In-depth overview of the OAI-ORE specifications 2h 30m MR040


      University of Geneva

    • 09:00 11:30
      Tutorial 2. Content recruitment strategies 2h 30m MR150


      University of Geneva

    • 09:00 11:30
      Tutorial 3. Intellectual property rights 2h 30m M1130


      University of Geneva

    • 09:00 11:30
      Tutorial 4. Repositories and Web2.0 2h 30m M1150


      University of Geneva

    • 09:00 11:30
      Tutorial 5. Repository platforms: DSpace, EPrints, Fedora, Microsoft, CDS-Invenio 2h 30m M1140


      University of Geneva

    • 09:00 11:30
      Tutorial 6. Hosted repository solutions: BePress, OpenRepository, EPrints, etc. 2h 30m M1160


      University of Geneva

    • 09:00 11:30
      Tutorial 7. DRIVER tutorial 2h 30m M5183


      University of Geneva

    • 11:30 13:00
      Registration and Lunch 1h 30m
    • 13:00 13:15
      Welcome, opening and introduction to the programme
    • 13:15 14:55
      Plenary 1: Compound objects
      Convener: Mr Herbert Van de Sompel (LANL)
      • 13:15
        Overview of the OAI-ORE interoperability framework 25m
        Speaker: Dr Herbert VAN DE SOMPEL (LANL)
      • 13:40
        Visualizing JSTOR: Exploring OAI-ORE for Information Topology Navigation 25m
        Speaker: Dr Robert Sanderson (University of Liverpool)
      • 14:05
        A demonstrator of enhanced publications using OAI-ORE 25m
        Speaker: Mr Maarten Hoogerwerf
      • 14:30
        Using OAI-ORE to Simplify Data Publishing Workflows 25m
        Speaker: Mr Tim DiLauro (John Hopkins Univ.)
        Flash Animation
        HTML for Flash Animation
    • 14:55 15:25
      Coffee 30m
    • 15:25 17:15
      Plenary 2: Mandates and preservation
      • 15:25
        Economic implications of alternative publishing models: Self-archiving and repositories 25m
        Speaker: Mr John Houghton
      • 15:50
        Mandates: an Australian example at the Queensland University of Technology 25m
        Speaker: Mr Tom Cochrane (Queensland Univ. of Tech.)
      • 16:15
        Example 3 : Alliance for Permanent Access 25m
        Speaker: Mr Wouter Spek (Alliance for Permanent Access)
      • 16:40
        The Preservation Planning Workflow: From institutional requirements via experimental evidence to accountable preservation plans 25m
        Speaker: Prof. Andreas Rauber (University of Vienna)
    • 18:30 23:59
      Evening at CERN. Official welcome-buffet offered by JISC and drink sharing. A bus transfer is organized from Uni Mail to CERN and back. 5h 29m
    • 08:00 09:00
      Registration Desk opens at 8:00
    • 09:00 11:00
      Plenary 3: Use and re-use
      • 09:30
        Alternative routes to the reuse of copyrighted journal content 30m
        Speaker: Mr David Hoole (Nature Publishing Group)
      • 10:00
        Adding value to scholarly communications through text mining 30m
        Speaker: Dr Sophia Ananiadou (National Centre of Text Mining)
      • 10:30
        Data deposition as a measure to prevent and to detect scientific misconduct 30m
        Speaker: Prof. Alexander Lerchl (Univ. Bremen)
    • 11:00 11:15
      Coffee 15m
    • 11:15 12:30
      Poster session
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1h 30m
    • 14:00 15:45
      Plenary 4: Embedding
      • 14:00
        Embedding into the work environment of a researcher or research group: the library on the move 35m
        Speaker: Mr Martin Van Luijt (Univ. Utrecht)
      • 14:35
        UK about embedding into the learning environment: JORUM 35m
        Speaker: Mr Peter Burnhill (EDINA)
      • 15:10
        Giving researchers what they want: SPIRES, High-energy physics and subject repositories 35m
        Speaker: Mr Travis Brooks (SLAC Library)
    • 15:45 16:15
      Coffee 30m
    • 16:15 18:15
      Breakout group 1. The future of scholarly communication: Enhanced Publications 2h MR170


      University of Geneva

    • 16:15 18:15
      Breakout group 2. OA Repositories and Research Management Systems 2h M1130


      University of Geneva

    • 16:15 18:15
      Breakout group 3. OAI technology for the Virtual Research Environment (VRE) 2h M1140


      University of Geneva

    • 16:15 18:15
      Breakout group 4. Speculations on the future of Open Access and Scientific Publications 2h M1160


      University of Geneva

    • 16:15 18:15
    • 16:15 18:15
      Breakout group 6. Access Data Mining: A new foundation for Added-value services in full text repositories. 2h M1150


      University of Geneva

      more information
    • 16:15 18:15
      Breakout group 7. Scanning and addition of older items. 2h M1193


      University of Geneva



      • About 10 participants, including representatives from ITU, Geneva University, Uni-Frascati, Uni-Fribourg, CERN

      • Frascati has done massive scanning of old preprints but is wondering how to exploit them now.
        Discussions about the need for IR versus simply depositing the files to ArXiv SR. CERN position is that the production of the laboratory has to be kept/archived on site in the IR, and also pushed for dissemination to SR.

      • Proposal to share all the scanning experience done by the various libraries on a Twiki page.

      • Cost discussion:

        • the newspaper "Le Temps" has scanned all its past issues with very good results
          at a price that is more than half less than the usual proposals.
          To be followed up with ITU who reported about this experience.

        • It was also pointed out that these scanning projects should always be prepared well in advance, to be "ready" - as they are often considered as low priority but they can easily fill in the 'end-of-the-year' reserve budgets.

      • Books cover: ITU reported about using OCLC book covers instead of Amazon, because they have more rights for copying the icons, etc.

      • Google Book:
        discussions on being able to fulltext search only within a subset of Google Book corresponding to the library holdings; option of using Google APIs - but careful reading of the terms of conditions is required. It turns out (after the workshop) that this option is not allowed.
        It was also reported that Google Book only scan material coming from publishers and not from libraries.
        Scanned files in pdf are in any cases not provided back to the publishers.

    • 18:15 19:30
      Aperitif offered by Microsoft on the roof of Uni Mail 1h 15m
    • 08:00 09:00
      Registration Desk opens at 8:00
    • 09:00 10:30
      Plenary 5: Community building
      • 09:00
        How to engage authors into an open bibliography initiative, the RePEc Author Service 30m
        Speaker: Dr Christian ZIMMERMANN (University of Connecticut)
      • 09:30
        The ResearcherID Project: Unlocking Scholarly Identity to Support Research Communities 30m
        Speaker: Mr James Pringle (Thomson ISI)
      • 10:00
        Author Identification in the Bibliographic Knowledge Network 30m
        Speaker: Mr Jim Pitman (Berkeley)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee 30m
    • 11:00 12:00
      Plenary 6: Quality assurance
      • 11:00
        Studying scientific activity from large-scale usage data 30m
        Speaker: Dr Johan Bollen (LANL)
      • 11:30
        Open peer review and interactive open access publishing: the effectiveness of transparency and self-regulation in scientific quality assurance 30m
        Speaker: Dr Ulrich Poeschl (MPG)
    • 12:00 12:45
      • 12:00
        The Impact of Open Access in Europe's Universities 45m
        Speaker: Dr Paul Ayris (UCL and LIBER)
    • 13:00 14:30
    • 15:00 15:01
      Individual visits (see the social events page) 1m