17–19 Jun 2009
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone


Not scheduled
University of Geneva

University of Geneva


Mr Björn Mittelsdorf (Saarland University and State Library)


Open Access publishers and authors - once a minor phenomenon - play a more significant role in scholarly communications nowadays. Having matured the discussion focuses on new topics: Sustainability, Acceptance, Coverage, Cost-Benefit-Relations, Adoption Speed and many more.
The absence of valid usage reports is a fundamental flaw that complicates the interaction with economically oriented entities like universities and commercial publishers which have a strong tradition of using quantitative data for quality assurance.
As requests to repositories can be measured easily because of web servers storing most of the necessary pieces of information for internal purposes the Open Access Community should adapt as fast as possible.
Scientific Publications cover a wide variety of publishers, hosts, business models, usage models, publication stages, logical, judicial and technical concepts. Therefore it is important to learn which portions of the publication space can be and which agents want to be included in the sampling. For those willing to participate only three aspects are relevant:
  • What data needs to be gathered?
  • How can it be transferred to the statistics provider?
  • Which metrics should be employed?
Open-Access-Statistics (OA-S) is a joint project addressing these questions. Since July 2008 an infrastructure for the standardised accumulation of heterogeneous web log data with an emphasis on institutional repositories has been planned and built.
Project Partners of OA-S are Georg-August Universitaet Goettingen (State- and University Library), Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin (Computer- and Mediaservice), Saarland University (Saarland University and State Library), and the University Stuttgart (University Library).
The actions undertaken are linked with national and international cooperations among others Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research (DRIVER), Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche (LIBER), and the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC).
>From the perspective of the central service/statistics provider, various data providers are sources for access data. During implementation these will be the participating repositories (Berlin, Goettingen, Saarbruecken and Stuttgart), and in the next stage of expansion all DINI-certified repositories (http://www.dini.de/no_cache/service/dini-zertifikat/zertifizierte-server/).
The infrastructure will be open for national and international repository providers to join in and benefit from the data aggregating and processing services provided by the central service provider. The aggregates derived by the statistics provider from the access data generated locally will be hosted on a central server. Local repositories will be able to create their own services or can use external added value services, e.g. the ones provided by OA-N (Open Access Network), by integrating statistics into the documents' index pages. Another example (described by Bollen and Van de Sompel) would be a recommender system based on click stream analysis. An empirical study will be carried out in 2009 to investigate additional services for repositories.

Primary author

Mr Björn Mittelsdorf (Saarland University and State Library)


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