17–19 Jun 2009
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Mets in Biblos-e Archivo

Not scheduled
University of Geneva

University of Geneva


Mrs Maria Luisa Perez Aliende (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)


The use of Mets in the University Autonoma of Madrid Institutional Repository.


Biblos-e Archivo is the name of the University Autonoma of Madrid Institutional Repository. Digitool is the Exlibris software used since 2006. From 2008 it has been generalized the use of Mets (Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard) documents which allow to express the names, locations and structure of the digital objects, and manage several types of metadata (administrative, descriptive and structural). Digitool uses Mets standards in order to describe parent child relationships between objects, and show a structured (multi-hierarchical) map in the “Resource Discovery”. It is expressed using an XML schema generated by a program developed to create automatically met files. The content file may be in any format, text, video, audio and image are loaded in Biblos-e Archivo. Due to the nature of the University material and the software capabilities it has been chosen to avoid losing information about the relations between objects.

Primary author

Mrs Maria Luisa Perez Aliende (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)

Presentation materials

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