17–19 Jun 2009
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Breakout group 5. Joining up repositories.

18 Jun 2009, 16:15
MR040 (University of Geneva)


University of Geneva


Truly effective networking of repositories across the world has not yet been fully realised. The Repository Infrastructure Project has examined the components necessary for this, identified those that are missing and, as a product of an international workshop of experts held in March, crystallised a set of four action plans to take forward work that will help to provide the missing components. The action plan topics are: citation services, repository handshake (deposit systems), interoperable identifier infrastructure (unambiguous identifiers), and repository organisation (international support organisation for repositories). The plans are now being developed into formal project proposals to be put to interested funders.

This exercise has been a distillation process and inevitably many good ideas about missing components have had to be left behind along the way. We would like to capture more of them. The breakout session will therefore do two things:

  • revisit the original proposition, inviting new discussion about what is needed to network repositories together most effectively
  • present a review of the progress described above and invite further discussion by participants around all or some of the action plan themes

People interested in attending this session can find the action plans and background briefing materials, which continue to be updated to give as complete a picture of the repository scene as possible, on the project wiki at: http://repinf.pbworks.com

View Alma Swan's profile

View Neil Jacobs profile

Primary authors

Alma Swan (Key Perspectives Ltd) Neil Jacobs (JISC)

Presentation materials