17–19 Jun 2009
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Tutorial 6. Hosted repository solutions: BePress, OpenRepository, EPrints, etc.

17 Jun 2009, 09:00
2h 30m
M1160 (University of Geneva)


University of Geneva


Those attending this tutorial will have the chance to hear from four of the leading hosted repository solutions on offer today, namely ContentDM from OCLC, ExLibris Rosetta, E-Prints Services, and OpenRepository from BioMed Central. Representatives of each will introduce what's on offer, both technologically and in terms of the services provided as part of the hosting arrangement. Participants will have the chance to question each representative.

View Axel Kaschte's profile

View Greg Zick's profile

View Claire Bundy's profile

Primary authors

Dr Alex KASCHTE (Ex Libris) Ms Claire bundy (BioMedCentral) Mr Greg ZICK (OCLC) Dr Leslie CARR (University of Southampton)

Presentation materials