17–19 Jun 2009
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Tutorial 3. Intellectual property rights

17 Jun 2009, 09:00
2h 30m
M1130 (University of Geneva)


University of Geneva


The workshop on intellectual property rights will address some basic terms of copyright related to acts carried out by repository managers. As access and re-use of material stored in the repository is very important, the workshop will focus on exceptions and limitations in copyright law and on licences which permit a broad use of works in a repository. Not only Creative Commons licences will be explained also other open content licences will be discussed. Unique will be the participation and contribution of WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organisation. WIPO recently issued a report on exceptions and limitations that will be represented.

Another topic that WIPO will touch on is digital preservation which is requisite for permanent access to information in repositories. Furthermore the workshop refers to and explains examples of initiatives, documents, references to web sites, guidelines, and other solutions to help repository managers making works in the repository available. Participants of the workshop will be asked in advance to send burning questions that need to be solved to the speaker of the tutorial. They will be answered (if possible) during the workshop.

View Wilma Mossink's profile

View Geidy Lung's profile

Primary authors

Ms Geidy LUNG (WIPO) Ms Wilma MOSSINK (SURFfoundation)

Presentation materials