2–3 Jun 2016
Europe/Rome timezone

Lunch and social dinner

Two lunches can be taken at the IPHC, for a price of 8 euros each. The lunches should be payed by cash (try to have the exact amount) and access tickets will be provided by the organizers. Please make sure you have cash.

The conference dinner will take place on the first day, June 02, at the "Maison Kammerzell" :


We have a menu for the conference, that you can find below. However, dishes can be ordered "a la carte" if needed. Drinks are not accounted and will have to be taken separately. The payment will be done individually after the dinner.


Menu Terroir 32.30 €

Starter: Tarte à l’Oignon, Salade verte
Main dish: Volaille fermière façon « Coq au Riesling », Spaetzle au Beurre
Dessert: Kouglof glacé au Grand-Marnier sur Coulis d’Eglantines