Bjoern Seitz
(Glasgow University)
Modern experiments in hadronic physics require detector systems capable of identifying and reconstructing all final-state particles and their momentum vectors. Imaging Cherenkov counters (RICH and DIRC) are frequently employed in nuclear and particle physics experiments, These detectors require high-rate, single-photon capable light detection system with sufficient granularity and position resolution. Several candidate systems are available, ranging from multi-anode photomultiplier tubes to micro-channel plate systems to silicon photomultipliers. Each of these detection solutions has particular advantages and disadvantages. We present detailed studies of rate dependence, cross-talk, time-resolution and position resolution for a range of available photon detection solutions: Hamamatsu MAPMTs, MCP-PMTs from Photonis and Hamamatsu. These properties make these photon detection systems ideal for radionuclide imaging applications as well and we will put their properties into a healthcare context.
Cherenkov radiation can also be used for medical imaging applications. We will review two different applications using the Cherenkov effect for radionuclide imaging.
Preferred medium (Oral/poster)
Primary author
Bjoern Seitz
(Glasgow University)