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30–31 May 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Developing Python applications in Emacs

30 May 2016, 15:00
31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


Show room on map


Tibor Simko (CERN)


In this practical talk, we'll discuss tips and tricks useful when developing
Python applications in Emacs. The topics include: efficient navigation and
jumping around, code completion, code skeletons, working with virtual
environments, interactive development with REPL, test-driven development,
integration with source control management tools. We'll demonstrate given
techniques on small example projects.

Talk Length 15 minutes

Primary author

Tibor Simko (CERN)

Presentation materials