15–19 Feb 2016
IIC, New Delhi
Asia/Calcutta timezone

Quark number density and susceptibility calculation with one correction in mean field potential

18 Feb 2016, 17:10
Conference Hall 1 (IIC, New Delhi)

Conference Hall 1

IIC, New Delhi

Parallel Session 20


S. Somorendro Singh (University of Delhi, Delhi, India)


We calculate quark number density and susceptibility of a model which has one loop correction in mean field potential. The calculation shows continuous increasing in the number density and susceptibility up to the temperature T = 0.4 GeV. Then the value of number density and susceptibility approach to the lattice result for higher value of temperature. The result indicates that the calculated values of the model fit well and the result increase the temperature to reach the lattice data with the one loop correction in the mean field potential.


S. Somorendro Singh (University of Delhi, Delhi, India)

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