The over 30 years old GANIL laboratory (heavy ions national accelerator) is still delivering beams that interest the nuclear physicist community. That is why AGATA (Advanced GAmma Tracking Array, a European collaboration of 12 countries) settled at GANIL for a 4 years campaign. This ¼ π gamma-ray detector requested a quite strong effort in term of 3D positioning metrology and in term of environment adaptation.
Furthermore, since 2013, GANIL is constructing and installing the SPIRAL2 facility: a superconducting linear accelerator and experimental areas that represent 150m long beam lines. Two injectors (ions, protons and deutons), a RFQ, a medium energy beam line, a 30m long LINAC (26 supraconducting accelerating cavities) and high energy beam lines supplying two experimental halls: one dedicated to neutron and the other containing S3 (Super Separator Spectrometer).
This project requested full time survey and alignment work from the underground network linked to historical GANIL coordinates system to the process installation still in progress.