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21–23 Sept 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone

Knowledge Transfer at CERN

21 Sept 2016, 16:05
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
Talk Cryogenic Safety Knowledge Transfer


Zoe Lawson (CERN)


The electric light bulb has been called the most important invention since man-made fire, and Oren Harari is famously quoted as saying that it “did not come about from continuous improvement of the candle”. The modern lightbulb is however the result of 140 years of innovative work and continuous improvements on Edison’s original device. In today’s world, we acknowledge the enormous potential of academic research to produce both disruptive innovations and continuous technological improvements. Maximising the likelihood that they make it from the lab and into society is the raison d’être for CERN’s Knowledge Transfer Group. It is well recognised that research provides a significant driving force for enhancing economic growth and societal welfare. And for academics, knowledge transfer can be a way of gaining new perspectives on possible directions and approaches for research.
The Knowledge Transfer group at CERN aims to engage with leaders in science, technology and industry in order to create new opportunities for the transfer of CERN's technology and know-how. The ultimate goal is to accelerate innovation and maximise the global positive impact of CERN on society. This is done by promoting and transferring CERN's technological and human capital. The group works together with CERN technical departments to help researchers realise the potential of their ideas and innovations and actively seeks collaboration and partnerships beyond the domain of high energy physics.

Primary author

Zoe Lawson (CERN)

Presentation materials