2–4 May 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone

Machine Learning Hackathon (RAMP) on Anomaly Detection

Not scheduled
Amphiteatre Pierre Leman (LAL)

Amphiteatre Pierre Leman


Domaine Universitaire Bat. 200 B.P. 34 91898 Orsay Cedex France See <a href=http://www.lal.in2p3.fr/-Getting-to-LAL,87-?lang=en target=_howtogetthere>how to get there</a> and <a href=https://indico.cern.ch/event/496146/attachments/1233570/1874040/From_RER_stations_to_LAL.png target=_access_map>access map</a>


Balázs Kégl (Linear Accelerator Laboratory) David Rousseau (LAL-Orsay, FR)Dr Jean-Roch Vlimant (California Institute of Technology (US))


Suppose you have two datasets which are supposed to be identical. For example MC production v1, MC production v2; data of yesterday, data of today. How to detect differences ? This is done typically by comparing rates, or manually defined histograms. How to do this in an automatized, Machine Learning way ? The objective will be to detect differences between two datasets, identical except for introduced manipulations. The RAMP platform allows participants to collaborate to achieve this goal.

Presentation materials

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