2–4 May 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone

Panel discussion

4 May 2016, 11:15
1h 15m
Amphiteatre Pierre Leman (LAL)

Amphiteatre Pierre Leman


Domaine Universitaire Bat. 200 B.P. 34 91898 Orsay Cedex France See <a href=http://www.lal.in2p3.fr/-Getting-to-LAL,87-?lang=en target=_howtogetthere>how to get there</a> and <a href=https://indico.cern.ch/event/496146/attachments/1233570/1874040/From_RER_stations_to_LAL.png target=_access_map>access map</a>


Mail goal is to organize ourselves around activity areas with proto-working groups in these activity areas, with an early objective for these working groups to organize sessions at a follow-on dedicated (and more hands-on than this session can be) software concurrency/performance workshop in a few months.

Presentation materials