Greek Teacher Programme
This year's edition of the Greek Teacher Programme will take place at CERN from 18 to 21 April 2016.
The programme targets physics high-school teachers from all over Greece. It aims to help teachers inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers by motivating their students to understand and appreciate how science works at the world's largest physics laboratory, whereby increasing their interest in pursuing studies in STEM fields in secondary and post-secondary education.
The programme will comprise lectures by Greek members of the CERN scientific community, with visits to experimental facilities, hands-on activities and dedicated sessions on effective and creative ways in which teachers can bring physics, particle physics and CERN closer to the school classroom. All lectures and support material will be archived and made publicly available at this space.
Greek Teacher Programme 2016:
For any queries about the programme, please contact: &
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CERN fire brigade: 0041 22 76 74444