Particle physics is a discipline in science that aims to understand how Nature works at the most elementary and fundamental level: “what are the basic smallest constituents of matter”, “what holds matter together”, “and where does it all come from in the beginning of the Universe”. Since the second half of the last century we have accumulated a lot of understanding, by probing matter at smaller and smaller scales and distances. To do that we need powerful large accelerators, or atom smashers, and very sophisticated experiments at these accelerator facilities.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, Geneva is the most recent major scientific instrument for fundamental science. It is a 27 kilometre (!) circular accelerator, to probe the smallest constituents of matter and study the beginning of the Universe much deeper than any machine was able to do before. Some of the recent results obtained at the LHC by the powerful ATLAS and CMS experiments will be reported, in particular some recent measurements related to the newly found Higgs boson. Based on the findings at the LHC at present we can anticipate what the next possible steps in particle physics, and the new accelerator projects in the world can be.
CUniverse team