10–14 Oct 2016
San Francisco Marriott Marquis
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Evolution and experience with the ATLAS Simulation at Point1 Project

11 Oct 2016, 15:30
1h 15m
San Francisco Marriott Marquis

San Francisco Marriott Marquis

Poster Track 6: Infrastructures Posters A / Break


The Simulation at Point1 project is successfully running traditional ATLAS simulation jobs
on the trigger and data aquisition high level trigger resources.
The pool of the available resources changes dynamically and quickly, therefore we need to be very
effective in exploiting the available computing cycles.

We will present our experience with using the Event Service that provides the event-level
granularity for computations. We will show the design decisions and overhead time related
to the usage of the Event Service. The improved utilization of the resources will
also be presented with the recent development in the monitoring and the automatic alerting,
as well as in the deployment and GUI.

Primary Keyword (Mandatory) Computing facilities
Secondary Keyword (Optional) Cloud technologies
Tertiary Keyword (Optional) Simulation


Tomas Kouba (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))

Presentation materials