10–14 Oct 2016
San Francisco Marriott Marquis
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Interconnected Private Clouds for Universities and Researchers

10 Oct 2016, 14:45
Sierra B (San Francisco Mariott Marquis)

Sierra B

San Francisco Mariott Marquis

Oral Track 6: Infrastructures Track 6: Infrastructures


Jakub Moscicki (CERN)


1. Statement

OpenCloudMesh has a very simple goal: to be an open and vendor agnostic standard for private cloud interoperability.
To address the YetAnotherDataSilo problem, a working group under the umbrella of the GÉANT Association is has been created with the goal of ensuring neutrality and a clear context for this project.

All leading partners of the OpenCloudMesh project - GÉANT, CERN and ownCloud Inc. - are fully committed to the open API design principle. This means that - from day one - the OCM sharing API should be discussed, designed and developed as a vendor neutral protocol to be adopted by any on-premise sync&share product vendor or service provider. We acknowledge the fact that the piloting of the first working interface prototype was carried out in an ownCloud environment and has been in production since 2015 with a design size of 500.000 users, called “Sciebo”, interconnecting dozens of private research clouds in Germany. Pydo adopting the standard in March 2016 underlines that this did and will not affect the adoption of the open API in any other vendor or service/domain provider.

2. OpenCloudMesh talk at CHEP2016 titled “Interconnected Private Clouds for Universities and Researchers”

The content of the presentation is an overview over the project currently managed by GEANT (Peter Szegedi), CERN (Dr. Jakub Moscicki) and ownCloud (Christian Schmitz), outlining overall concepts, past, present achievements and future milestones with a clear call to participation.
The presentation will summarize the problem originally scoped, then making a shift to the past success milestones (ex. demonstrated simultaneous interoperability between CERN, AARnet, Sciebo, UniVienna and, at the time of the talk expected, interoperability between different clouds running different software vendors) and then shift to future milestones, moonshot challenges and a call to participation.

3. OpenCloudMesh Moonshot scope
The problems, concepts and solution approaches to solving this are absolutely cutting edge as of 2016, hence they offer both practical and research challenges. Science and research in its open and peer reviewed nature has become a truly globalized project with OCM having the potential to be the “usability fabric” of a network of private clouds acting as one global research cloud.

4. Links

Project Wiki

Milestone Press Release, February 10th 2016 http://www.geant.org/News_and_Events/Pages/OpenCloudMesh.aspx

Sciebo https://www.sciebo.de/en/

GÉANT http://www.geant.org/

CERN http://home.cern/
ownCloud https://owncloud.com/

Primary Keyword (Mandatory) Cloud technologies
Secondary Keyword (Optional) Computing middleware


Christian Schmitz (ownCloud Inc)


Presentation materials